Turismo In

Turismo In is a platform dedicated to promoting tourism in Peru by providing tools and information for teachers, students, and industry professionals. The primary focus is to enhance the user experience through a redesign aimed at optimizing accessibility and effectiveness of the platform, delivering a more intuitive and enriching experience for all users involved in the promotion and exploration of Peruvian tourism.



We aim to enhance the user experience, focusing on simplicity and clarity. Increase engagement, particularly for exporters, educators, and students promoting Peruvian tourism, optimizing resources for maximum impact.


Turismo In's current portal struggles with user experience due to complex architecture and navigation, leading to reduced relevance among key user groups and impacting visibility.


A restructuring of the portal is proposed to enhance the user experience, with customized adjustments for exporters, educators, and students. The goal is to optimize the impact on the promotion of Peruvian tourism by facilitating access to information.

UX & UI Designer on a team of 3
4 months
Client Kickoff interview
Heuristic analysis
Usability test of the current website
Workshop with stakeholders
Workshop with students
Interviews with users
Visual design

1. Inmersion

Heuristic Analysis

We started by conducting a comprehensive audit of the app from an expert perspective to identify shortcomings and areas of opportunity.

0 means does not present this feature
1 = Meets the minimum requirements with evident deficiencies
3 = Meets by offering standard features
4 = Stands out as a best practice.

Evaluation results:

Overall Assessment in Graphics

Overall Assessment

Heuristic Analysis conclusions

Lack of standardized components in portal pages affects user experience. Standardizing elements is advised for a uniform and coherent interaction and graphic style.

Optimize communication and streamline information retrieval to enhance the user experience on the portal.

Benchmark conclusions

The benchmark analysis highlights the need for functionalities that empower users to accomplish more in less time, providing them control over data and fostering independence in cross-referencing information. The platform should stay relevant by proactively notifying users about updates aligned with their interests, aligning with the current trend of consuming information from diverse sources.

The key lies in understanding the diverse needs of users and offering a personalized experience that adapts to their preferences, delivering content appropriately based on context and timing. The incorporation of innovative features is also crucial to maintain user engagement and ensure their comfort in all aspects.

2. Usability test

Each user was assigned five tasks to perform on the portal. While they carried out each task, they were asked to think aloud about their problem-solving process.

Task 1 : Register on the portal


Carry out the registration process on the portal to understand its complexity and whether the user perceives the difference or benefit of being registered or not.


Results: Users assume they need to register for access to more information, but the benefits of registration are not evident. Users are familiar with the registration form and don't find the process cumbersome. They prefer a recurring login with saved credentials. Those who registered and forgot their login details have faced difficulties in recovering them.

Task 2 : Use advanced search


The user needs to perform an advanced search to find a report or study on millennials visiting Peru.


Users encountered difficulties when searching for the report on millennials in Peru, opting for familiar routes and facing confusion when using the filters.

Task 3 : Search newsletter video


The user must search for a video called "Chinese Market: Keys to Understanding and Serving It," which is located in newsletter No. 63.


Users face issues locating the newsletters section, expressing a need for increased visibility on the homepage and menu bar. They recommend a quick access link with descriptive text. Additionally, users emphasize the importance of the search function displaying newsletter results or having filters on the respective page to streamline the search process.

Task 4 : Enter tourist figures


The user must imagine that they need to put together a report on the profile of the Argentine vacationer in 2017. In particular, the user must identify their average expenditure and planning time.


Users suggest simplifying access and visualizing data with infographics. While they navigate well to the statistics, they face difficulties with filters, and the lack of loading indicators creates uncertainty. Recommendations: simplify navigation, use infographics, and improve clarity in filters.

Task 5 : Contact Turismo In


The user needs to attempt to contact Turismo In to request specific information about domestic vacationers.


Users expect an easily accessible contact method, emphasizing visibility for Turismo In's contact options, and many were unaware of additional channels due to limited scrolling habits. Improved visibility is crucial for an enhanced user experience.

3 Tourism and Hospitality students
4 from the private sector
2 from the public sector

3. Workshop

Workshop with stakeholders

7 Stakeholders

Activity 1: Flipchart Q&A

We divided the participants into two groups to discuss four key questions to understand the project's objectives. Subsequently, there was a sharing of ideas from both teams.

Flip Chart

Activity 2: Brief Canvas & SWOT

We divided the participants into two groups again, different from Activity 1. One group was responsible for completing the Brief Canvas, and the other for the SWOT Analysis Canvas.

Brief model
Brief model
Brief model

Workshop with students : 9 persons

9 Students

Activity 1: Look at the present

We divided the participants into two groups. Individually, they noted the positive and negative aspects of the current portal. Then, as a group, they reached a consensus on their responses and presented them to the other group.


Activity 2: Brainstorming

The participants remained in the two formed groups. This time, they individually listed the functionalities and content they would like to find on the portal. Then, as a group, they reached a consensus on their answers and presented them to the other group.


Activity 3 : Time to draw!

Green Team

This dynamic involved drawing the portal's home. For this, participants were divided into two groups, different from the two previous activities.

Each group had to propose an ideal Home: one team would think about the portal for students, and the other for tourism agencies. Then, they developed a speech on how they would sell the product.




4. Interviews

6 Users (Private sector workers)
4 users (Public sector representatives)


Following the interviews, crucial areas for improvement in the Turismo In portal were identified. Suggestions range from personalized content and the introduction of micro-interactions to the dosing strategy for extensive reports. The need to enhance findability, visually enrich content, and simplify navigation is emphasized. The inclusion of multimedia content, especially short videos, is proposed as a strategy to appeal to an audiovisual audience. The centralization of communication channels and the adoption of a modern and user-friendly design are key recommendations to maintain digital relevance. These guidelines will serve as a roadmap for future enhancements, aiming to optimize the user experience on Turismo In.

What is the current situation?

current situation


“The Tourism In portal is used only on-demand, currently it is a portal for sporadic consultation”


Turismo In is considered a reliable source of information. The portal's content is commonly consumed by operators and investors, professors, students, agents, and public workers related to the tourism industry.


Visits to the Turismo In portal are sporadic as the relevant information is updated semiannually or annually. Users return every three or six months in search of updates, mainly extensive reports and hard data. The lack of daily content positions the portal as the second or third choice for consultation, with users remembering when to visit for updates. Unintentionally, PromPerú has established an annual pattern of visits in users' minds.


How to transform the portal into a daily tool for users?

PromPerú needs to shift users' mindset by providing constant information to make it the primary consultation tool.

All users acknowledge Turismo In as a vast repository of information. We believe this perception needs to evolve into a more proactive image that contributes to daily decision-making for each business.

We find it essential to deliver information in digestible formats, such as daily tips on enhancing their business, short educational videos or podcasts (2-3 minutes), success stories in the industry, analytical news from reports/hard data, among others.

Additionally, the annual statistical reports, currently accessed once a year, should be provided in smaller doses (quarterly, tri-monthly, bi-monthly). This approach will position PromPerú as an updated and valuable tool for users.

5. Design



